Saturday, July 25, 2009

Mean Mommy

Do you ever feel like you're a mean mommy? I had one of those days today!

It all started out by going to the farmers market this morning. We were getting some fruit & veges for the week. Cayden has this thing where he likes to stick his arm out to the side & reach for people walking by. He ends up hitting them on the knee or leg. It is so frustrating! After the 3rd person, I told him it was time to go.
I should have known it wouldn't get better.
We then went to my friend Jill's son Braedons baptism. He was hitting Braedons grandma & grandpa who were sitting in front of us. I kept whispering to him that it was not ok to hit people & we need to keep our hands to ourselves. Then he would throw the program to the missionary's behind us. After the 2nd time he threw it I told him it went bye bye (I hope this doesn't affect those poor boys into not wanting kids, hehe). I picked him up & took him to the back of the room (where the baptismal font was). It was finally time for the baptism & he watched it like a good boy. After that I had to take him out. I took him to the nursery room so he could play with some toys. We lasted about 45 minutes at the baptism. I ended up taking him home. Throughout all that, I was definitely loosing my patience.

After his nap we decided to take him to the beach (his favorite place). He didn't do to bad, but the whole car ride (45 minutes each way) he kept saying "mommy... mommy... mommy... mommy..." After the trillenth time & said be quiet Cayden, mommy's sleeping. Well, it continued. I was just so torn between, how cute he is & how annoying it was that he was just talking so much. Most mom's would be so happy that there child talks a lot. He really is a good talker, almost complete sentences.

We got home & he was running all over. After his bath, I went to get him a drink before bed. Dad left his drink on the table (in a can) & of course with me not even 5 feet away, he turns it upside down & lets it poor out. I lost it. I smacked his hand & told him to go to the couch. I didn't know whether to cry or laugh. It was Corey's fault for leaving it in his reach, but it I ended up cleaning it up. When Corey came back from throwing the trash away I told him he could spray the carpet & scrub it. I took care of the table & chair. Man, he wore me out today.

Tomorrow's a new adventure at church - I usually have to take him out in the middle of the first speaker. I just need to breath & not loose my patience so quickly. He is only 2 & is very curious & such a busy boy. I love my Cayden - he is such a gift from God!


Lisa said...

Sounds like a crazy day! I hope today goes better. I keep blaming being pregnant on not having as much patience some days, I guess you could use that excuse too.

Cassy said...

I have days like that!! Rayne is a very active girl and I can definitely relate to just "losing it." They are the best, but sometimes we all need a break!

Anita said...

I understand it can be hard. The one thing I would tell you, is not to beat yourself up. You are a wonderful mom, we all have those moments when we lose our patience, it's okay. Lee dad take over sometimes, you don't have to do it all, okay. So give yourself a break, you know you love that sweet boy of yours and so does he. Love you

Comarsh Crew said...

Thanks ladies for your comments, they help out a lot. Especially when I hear it from other mom's, ya know. We did have to go out during the Sacrament - but I was prepared, hehe.

Jill said...

we all have days like that! It will get better, I promise. you are a great mom. keep telling yourself that. and congrats on a girl! I LOVE the name Casey. and tell Jill Hoge hi for me. I can't believe Braedon is baptized already! I remember when they moved into the ward and he was a baby.