Wednesday, February 18, 2009

2 years

I can't believe that my little guy will be 2 in exactly 1 month. He is 23 months today & after he turns 2, no more using months to tell his age. He will simply be 2 or 2 and a half. What a joy he has brought to our lives in the last 2 years. We have grown so much since he has entered our lives & I know we will continue to grow. It's amazing how they grow. From birth to 1 year are so many changes, they start to become more independant. They can pull their head up from laying down (that is a big milestone), they start to crawl, laugh (one of my favorites), smile, jibber jabber, walk, teeth, little personality starts to show. I love it. I have also loved the milestones from 1-2 years old. He started running, jumping, talking back (not a personal favorite, but cute to see him try to state his point), curiosity with everything, speaking in almost complete sentences, calling me mom & Corey daddy, nana, gampa, gama, Laural - although it sounds like lolo. He loves to play & run around all day long, thank goodness he still likes to take a 2 hour nap in the middle of the day. Cayden has grown so much since birth & I feel my baby is turning into a little man of his own, I'm kinda sad, yet happy to experienc what this new year brings us.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Pictures from Bryce & Theresa's wedding

I finally downloaded the pictures to my computer. We had so much fun. What a spiritual experience it is to be there when two people who love eachother so much are sealed for time and all eternity ~sigh~ How appropriate to post on Valentines day!