Working on geneology is so much fun. Even if the Temple work has been done, I love learning about my ancestors. I have such great stories about my great grandmother & great grandfather Jenks on my mom's side. They seemed like there were such awesome people who were examples to many of the people they knew. I know that even though I never knew them, they are an example to me of who I want to be. My great grandma Jenks worked at the Logan temple for a great part of her life. How awesome would that be - practically living at the temple. She even has some stories about her parents & there trek west with the saints. I especially love to read the stories from people who knew them & raved on about how they were such good people & were truly examples to us all.
I have been working on my husbands geneology & have gone back a good ways. I love knowing the fact that I can do the Temple work for some of them & look forward to doing so. I have already submitted some names & just need to have the cards printed & held for me. I just feel they are waiting on the other side for this work to be done. I also look forward to researching as far back as I can on the Comarsh side. This is hard because my father in law believes the name changed when the family came to the US from Portugal. I have my work cut out for me, but with the help of the spirit, my family & the family history center, I know it can be done!
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13 years ago