3 years ago today was one of the most fulfilling experiences in my life, I became a mother. My son Cayden was born on March 18, 2007 at 2am. After 19 hours of labor, Cayden arrived via c-section. My water broke a little before 7am & we called the hospital to find out what we needed to do. They said to shower & eat a small breakfast, drink some juice & come on in. After showering, blow drying & straightening my hair, doing my makeup & calling some family, we arrived in labor & deliver at 9am. No contractions were starting & I was thinking, wow, this labor thing is easier than I thought. We ended up having to be induced around 1pm & by 11pm I was fully efaced & 9 cm. The midwife was delivering another baby & since I wasn't ready to push, we just had to wait. Oh yea, by the way, I decided to get an epidural which was worse than the labor. It took the anesthesiologist an hour of poking my back 5 times!! Then it didn't even work! So around 4 or 5pm it became pretty painfull for me. When I did start to push around midnight, Cayden's heart rate would drop. The MD on call came in & suggested I get a c-section. I'm glad I did because when he came out at 2am he had the cord wrapped around his neck 3 times. There was no way he was going to be delivered vaginally. I didn't sleep for over 36 hours that weekend. Adrenaline kept me going the day he was born because so many people came to see him. He looked so much like his father & everyone could see that. I kept saying he has my chin (which he does). It's the Thommsen chin as my Grandmother would call it. My mom has it, most of my siblings have it, of course I have it & now both of my kids do.
Here are some pictures of the day he was born:
Belly shot on 02-28-07
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13 years ago
Happy Birthday Cayden! :-)
I love watching how your family has grown! Happy Bday to your little guy...happiness looks good on you, Jamie.
Happy Birthday Cayden! thanks for sharing your story. love you
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