Saturday, January 10, 2009

Oh Beatiful day

Next to my wedding day & the birth of my son, today has been such a glorious day for me. I received the most beautiful gift I will ever receive in my life. I feel I have a few more pieces to this puzzle we call life. I feel I have more appreciation for my husband, my son & my family. I want this gift for my family & friends who haven't yet saught after it. I want this for my husband & all our children we will bring into this world. Oh, what a beautiful day today was.

On another note, Cayden is talking so much more & we are starting to make sense of what he says. We were at Chili's tonight for dinner & he got a kids milkshake. I asked him if I could have a sip & he shook his head no (he doesn't say no, just shakes his head). So when he put it down I of course grabed it for a sip & he looked at me & said that's Caydens'. I was like, what.... Did he just say that. It was so cute. I said yes it is Caydens. He totally caught me taking a sip of his milkshake.

I have to get my wisdom teeth pulled this week. On Wednesday, I will depart from the 4 molars that have grown into my mouth & pushed my upper teeth together to close my gap between my 2 front teeth & that pushed my bottom teeth together so they are now crooked in the front. Oh well, I guess I would rather have crooked bottom teeth than a Madonna gap in my 2 front teeth.


Anita said...

I am so happy for you! I know how special it was for you. Cherish every moment of it...
love you so much.
And as for Cayden, he just too

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

It IS a beautiful gift - I'm happy for you.