I love hearing stories about people serving others. Most of he time I think, wow, I wish I could have done that or why didn't I help out more. I pray all the time for opportunities that I will be able to serve other & I always think that I could do more.
I was reading a friends blog & her husband went to Haiti to serve the people there. I thought how awesome & selfless they were. Her husband for going in such extreme conditions & Cindi for being so selfless to let her husband go. That would have been extremely hard for me, especially with 4 young children. I was glad to read that he came home & see some pictures. I saw a picture of him holding a child & got to thinking that they have small babies there that need breast milk.
I have been blessed to produce a lot of milk & have been freezing it. I have so much in my freezer & have been wondering what to do with it all (I have been giving some to my sister who has a 6 month old). I decided to call the milk bank to see if I can donate some to Haiti. After I fill out the paperwork a nurse will come to my home & pick it up. It's the least I can do & I know it will help those precious little ones who have been affected by the earthquake.
Thanks Cindi for being a great example to me!
I decided to post some precious pictures of Casey that my friend Ela took. Looking at my precious baby girl makes me feel good about my decision to donate my milk. I see her & how she is thriving & thank God everyday for such a beautiful & amazing gift! I love being a mother.
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13 years ago
That's awesome that you can donate your mother's milk - so few can do this for the babies. Great pics of your little angel, too.
What a great service!! :-)
Thanks Jamie! What a wonderful thing to do! We can all serve in our own ways. And what might seem so small to us can mean the world to others!
Wow, That is so awesome Jamie!
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