I remember a young girl with curly black hair who was very shy
I remember a tight striped long sleeved shirt
I remember nirvana boy
I remember planning to run away
I remember watching tons of Brad Pitt videos
I remember 2 friends going into the dirty creek because I said I lost a ring
I remember church dances
I remember April 5, 1994 was a very sad day for us
I remember "So you think you own whatever land you land on" & I totally chickened out
I remember being totally immersed in water in the most beautiful place I have ever seen
I remember we did that together & we felt so awesome afterwards
I remember Tyler Moore asking me out while I was at your house, over the phone
I remember Kriss Kross games in your backyard
I remember the evil eye - Sorry, I had to mention that one =)
I remember doing not so good things, but you were with me so I felt safe
I remember spending the night on your sleep out sofa bed
I remember Christopher making grinding noises in the middle of the night
I remember meeting with President Shurtliff... we were together & we always had eachothers backs.
I remember not taking the sacrament & feeling absolutely horrible
I remember that I wasn't the best influence on you
I remember the worst day of my life was in April of 1997
I remember March 27, 1998
I remember being scared to fly but missing someone
I remember bringing a certain Brad Pitt magazine that I got in trouble for bringing
I remember Jesse & Josh walking us home after a dance
I remember taking the bus to the mall & eating Auntie Annes pretzels
I remember kissing some yuckie guy in some closet on a truth or dare
I remember sitting outside on chairs looking at the Provo Temple at night & thinking, wow, that is where I'm going to get married
I remember a guy named Steve
I remember skipping classes
I remember Sex and the City late at night
I remember sharing a bedroom
I remember Cooper
I remember being jealous
I remember the speech from my wedding
I remember the love
I remember my best friend, I miss my best friend, I will always love my best friend no matter what comes of this life, I will be there for you always.