Tuesday, April 6, 2010


We signed Cayden up for T-Ball through the YMCA. It is so cute to watch him learn the sport with other little 3 year old boys. The lessons are an hour long but he only has 30 minute attention span for it. He wants to play at the playground by the field, it is so funny! Here are some pictures to enjoy.

Cayden's first day of T-ball

Cayden wanted to run around

Cayden wanting to play at the park

Working on Catching the ball

Playing catch with Dad

Happy Birthday to my Church!!

It's amazing that only 180 years ago my church was organized - April 6, 1830. We have so many members & Temples across the globe! It's amazing just thinking about how much it has grown from the early days. I am just so proud of my ancesters for believing in this church, especially when it was so knew. They paved the way for the rest of the family to continue that legacy. I love hearing stories about how my ancestors came across the plains to SLC. They were asked to go into south east Idaho to start a community & they did. They were also asked to go to San Bernadino county to start a community & they did that too. They eventually moved back to Oneida county in Idaho. I am also happy that my husband allows me to raise my children in the church I love so much. One day, I know he will also come to love it as much as I do. I'm sure with a little persuasion from the kids, hehe.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pictures from Cayden's Birthday

Thank you to all of Cayden's friends for making his 3rd birthday very memoriable!

Love you all!

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook: Cayden's Party
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A free digital scrapbook by Smilebox

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Cayden!

3 years ago today was one of the most fulfilling experiences in my life, I became a mother. My son Cayden was born on March 18, 2007 at 2am. After 19 hours of labor, Cayden arrived via c-section. My water broke a little before 7am & we called the hospital to find out what we needed to do. They said to shower & eat a small breakfast, drink some juice & come on in. After showering, blow drying & straightening my hair, doing my makeup & calling some family, we arrived in labor & deliver at 9am. No contractions were starting & I was thinking, wow, this labor thing is easier than I thought. We ended up having to be induced around 1pm & by 11pm I was fully efaced & 9 cm. The midwife was delivering another baby & since I wasn't ready to push, we just had to wait. Oh yea, by the way, I decided to get an epidural which was worse than the labor. It took the anesthesiologist an hour of poking my back 5 times!! Then it didn't even work! So around 4 or 5pm it became pretty painfull for me. When I did start to push around midnight, Cayden's heart rate would drop. The MD on call came in & suggested I get a c-section. I'm glad I did because when he came out at 2am he had the cord wrapped around his neck 3 times. There was no way he was going to be delivered vaginally. I didn't sleep for over 36 hours that weekend. Adrenaline kept me going the day he was born because so many people came to see him. He looked so much like his father & everyone could see that. I kept saying he has my chin (which he does). It's the Thommsen chin as my Grandmother would call it. My mom has it, most of my siblings have it, of course I have it & now both of my kids do.
Here are some pictures of the day he was born:

Belly shot on 02-28-07

Monday, March 8, 2010

Families Can Be Together Forever

Today my Grandmother passed away at 9:15am. Her body has been giving out on her for a while now & it was her time. I know my Grandfather was on the other side of the veil welcoming her with open arms. I'm sure he also had a great big kiss waiting for her too because he has been gone for 28 years. That is a long time to be without your best friend & eternal companion! She was 92 years old. I am so glad she got to meet Casey before passing.
Even though I know we are all sealed together, it is very hard to know that I will never see her again or listen to her stories. I am so blessed that I was off of work last week so I can spend more time with her while she was in hospice care at my cousins home. The last thing I read to her was the story of her life, at least just the first part up until she married my Grandfather. She loved hearing me read it to her. She also loved having her family around. I'm so glad I was able to have Cayden & Casey spend time with her before she passed.

She was the Grand Matriarch of our family, the glue that held us together.
She lived the gospel, breathed the gospel & taught her family the gospel. She was a great example to all of us. I will surely miss her. Until we meet again on the other side of the veil. I love you Grandma!

Her funeral will be this Friday, March 12th, 11am at the Rose Bldg in Los Gatos. She will have a viewing Thursday night. Still not sure where though.

I have a family here on earth
They are so good to me
I want to share my life with them through all eternity
Families can be together forever
Through Heavenly Father's plan
I always want to be with my own family
And the Lord has shown us how we can
The Lord, has shown us how we can

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Goal update

Ok - so its been a month since I started working out. I would like to go more during the week, but it is hard to find the time. Tonight is my last night with my trainer Erica. She has been so awesome & supportive. I really am going to miss her pushing me to do more. I've learned a lot of what my body can do so I hope I can continue to push myself.

I have lost 2 lbs, but I feel I have lost more because the way my clothes fit. It must be the inches. I am going to have her measure me again tonight so I can see the differences. You can also tell in my face! Thank goodness.

My family took pictures this past Monday, so I have an updated picture to post. I'll try to remember to post one everymonth, but I am going back to work on Monday & I might forget to post these updates.

My Family

Casey 3 Months

Cayden 3 Years

This is one of my favorites!

My other goals have been going ok. I need to encourage more scripture time (usually when I read to Cayden it is out of his child scripture book which tells different stories BOM hero's).

I also need to work on Family Home Evening. We have yet to have one this year. Sometimes Monday's are not good nights, but we need to focus on any night.

On another note, my Grandmother went to the hospital on her 92nd birthday a week ago. She was released last Friday, but she will have to live at my cousin Danene's home. It's either that or a hospice facility & the family doesn't want that right now. My cousin & her family have taken on so much, I hope we can help lighten the burden for them. We have been visiting Grandma more frequently now. She finally got a chance to meet Casey & we took a 4 generations picture with my Grandma, Mom, Casey & I. We also took one including Cayden. (My mom still needs to send me those pictures). It's nice being able to visit with her & chat. I have learned so much from her. I like to hear her talk about how she met my Grandpa, even though my mom has told me the story a thousand times! She met my Grandfather when he was on his mission. He was from Idaho & came here to San Francisco.

Grandpa Jenks on his Mission

They were married in the Logan Temple in Utah. That is were my Great Grandmother was working (Grandpa's mom). My Grandma says this picture was when the left the Temple after getting married.

Grandma & Grandpa Jenks after getting married at the Logan Temple

I am so proud of my family & the history we have. I only hope to make my kids & grandkids & so forth proud of me!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Casey's blessing

What an awesome day. My beautiful little daughter Casey was blessed. Our good friend Bill blessed her. His wife Emy watches Cayden & will be watching Casey when I go back to work. We are very close to there family. We are so lucky to have there family in our lives!
My cousin Danene made Casey's little dress. I wish I took a better picture of her in it. I have to see how my mom's pictures turned out. It was so nice to have my husband in church with us. We had lots of family & friends come too. Cayden loved having Miss Emy sit behind him. He was talking to her so much! I wrote down some of the words I can remember from her blessing. I want to put them in her baby book so she can remember them. I wish I did the same for Cayden. I didn't think of it at the time. I got to see my friend Amber's baby Jake - he is too adorable. I can't wait until we can get together & I can hold him. Here are some pictures of today.

The Comarsh Family

Family & Friends

Jamie, Bill, Casey & Corey

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I love hearing stories about people serving others. Most of he time I think, wow, I wish I could have done that or why didn't I help out more. I pray all the time for opportunities that I will be able to serve other & I always think that I could do more.
I was reading a friends blog & her husband went to Haiti to serve the people there. I thought how awesome & selfless they were. Her husband for going in such extreme conditions & Cindi for being so selfless to let her husband go. That would have been extremely hard for me, especially with 4 young children. I was glad to read that he came home & see some pictures. I saw a picture of him holding a child & got to thinking that they have small babies there that need breast milk.
I have been blessed to produce a lot of milk & have been freezing it. I have so much in my freezer & have been wondering what to do with it all (I have been giving some to my sister who has a 6 month old). I decided to call the milk bank to see if I can donate some to Haiti. After I fill out the paperwork a nurse will come to my home & pick it up. It's the least I can do & I know it will help those precious little ones who have been affected by the earthquake.
Thanks Cindi for being a great example to me!

I decided to post some precious pictures of Casey that my friend Ela took. Looking at my precious baby girl makes me feel good about my decision to donate my milk. I see her & how she is thriving & thank God everyday for such a beautiful & amazing gift! I love being a mother.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Step 1 to completing one of my goals

Ok - so I want to loose 10 lbs before going back to work in March. On Friday some friends & I were talking about joining 24 hour fitness which we all did on Saturday. I am so excited. I can't wait to meet with my personal trainer to work out & start a strict regime. Ok, I'm not so keen on the whole strict regime, but I want to see results & that is the only way. Here are some before (kids) pictures:

02-14-05 (on my honeymoon)

10-01-05 (random)

08-12-06 (holding my friend Kelly's first son James) I actually am pregnant with Cayden in this picture


I will get back to a healthy weight so I can feel comfortable in my own skin again. Not to mention feeling sexy for my husband. Even though of course he still loves me no matter what I look like. He is such a good man.

I need to follow up with this post on March 1st so I can see some changes.

2 Months

It's hard to believe that my little girl is already 2 months old! She is doing so much already. I love holding her & having her smile at me & coo. We have our own conversations now. It's so much fun. I am so lucky to have such great friends with daughters that are only a couple years older than her too. Not to mention 5 of us had baby's within a couple of months!
Aida had Kaylani on 11/20, Casey was born on 12/1, Jenae had Lathan on 12/7, Ela had Taylor on 12/9 & Kimberly had David on 1/15. I am so lucky to have these wonderful women in my life.
My friend Jocelle made Casey the cutest flower hair clip (I still need to take a picture with it on her). She is great at making hair clips. I have made a few & can't wait for her to be able to wear all of them. We need just a little more hair.
I love you Casey!




Wednesday, January 20, 2010

2010 Goals

Ever since last night I have been thinking of the goals I want to make for this year. I don't want to make them to ambitious & set myself up for failure so lets hope I can accomplish all of them. If not all, then hopefully most of them.

1. Loose at least 20 lbs
2. Be a better example to my husband by doing the following:
- Have family home evening once a month
- Invite him to church more often
- Reading the Bible or Book of Mormon as a family 4 times a month
3. Attend the Temple regularly (monthly after I can get away for 4-6 hours at a time)
4. Start completing the ordinances for Corey's family
5. Continue to research Corey's ancestry and update family search records & PAF.
6. Become more active as a mother with Cayden & Casey
7. Become more patient with my children

I know some of these will be more easier than others, but I am up for the challenge this year!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I am in such an awesome ward! Our RS activities committee had a great program tonight. It was about "Being the woman God needs me to be".
It started out with my friend Sara talking about setting goals & reaching them, then an awesome performance with such talented singers & it ended with my friend Tess talking about "Celestial University". I can't wait to sign up!

So it got me thinking. I never set new years resolutions or goals at the beginning of the year. That's going to change. I'm going to sit down & really think about things I want to accomplish this year. From going to the Temple to do my families work to finishing scrapbooking projects I have had for years. I am so excited to do this. So my next blog will be what I want my goals to be for this year. I hope I can accomplish them!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Adjusting to having 2 kids

So 2009 left with a bang! We had a great year. Having our daughter at the end was the highlight. I was lucky to have Corey stay home with us for a while & then my mom, his mom & my sister Karen helped out. When it was finally time for all my helpers to go back to work I was terrified. How was I going to keep my Cayden busy while taking care of a newborn. Casey didn't latch on (like her big brother) so I pump & feed. Every 3 hours I need to pump for 15 minutes & feed her which usually takes 15-30 minutes. Cayden is so active & I was nervous on how I was going to keep him busy while I was busy with Casey. He gets very rambunctious (spelling?) when he is not getting the attention. We had our cats running for their lives while the "monster" or "vampire" chased them. He would look at me & through something across the room, of course only when I was pumping so I couldn't get up. So 5 weeks into having a new sister he is starting to calm down. I realized movies & Caillou are a great distraction. He has never watched so much tv/movies ever. I realized I can't feel guilty about it because it won't last forever. Pretty soon we will be able to do more activities. Thank goodness for play group on Thursdays!